Our mission
as the parish community of
Our Lady of Hope
is to give witness to the love of Jesus in our families, our parish community and the world.
Our parish has a wonderful spirit and all of us together make that possible. Many people, who were here before us, believed that God is bringing us together and guiding our steps. They often asked, "What if …?" or "Why not …?" They gave thanks for what is and they hoped for what could be. We ask the same questions and share the same hope. Those who come after us will continue the same tradition that has been fashioned by the people of Our Lady of Hope, St. Bridget, St. John Vianney, Sacred Heart and Holy Cross.
When your loved one dies, usually the funeral director contacts the parish office to confirm the time for the funeral liturgy and provide information about the place of burial. Following that, someone from the parish will contact the family to discuss the funeral liturgy.
Funeral Liturgy Preparations
Once the date and time has been set for the funeral liturgy, families are encouraged to meet with the the funeral planning team. There are many ways to be involved in planning the funeral liturgy. Each family's circumstances and preferences are different, so a discussion can be helpful in determining what is appropriate. Someone from the parish will contact the family to suggest a time for meeting.
Funeral Receptions
As an expression of compassionate support for families who are grieving, the parish community offers the use of the hall and the services of volunteers, if a family wishes to gather for a reception. This can be decided when the family meets with the team to prepare the funeral liturgy. If a reception is requested, the pastor will notify the Funeral Reception Coordinator.
The parish is responsible for maintaining three cemeteries.
Old St. Bridget's Copake Falls (in the hamlet)
New St. Bridget's Copake Falls (next to the church parking lot)
Sacred Heart Philmont
The mission of the cemeteries is to offer simple, dignified and affordable Christian burial in a spirit of compassion. Visitors are welcome in the daylight hours, from dawn to dusk. For rules, regulations and pricing information, contact the parish office.
If you would like an engraved memorial of your loved one, contact the parish office or click this link for more information: Remembering Your Loved Ones.
If you wish to make a bequest for the care of cemeteries, contact our office at 518-329-4711 or via email: [email protected]