Our mission
as the parish community of
Our Lady of Hope
is to give witness to the love of Jesus in our families, our parish community and the world.
Our parish has a wonderful spirit and all of us together make that possible. Many people, who were here before us, believed that God is bringing us together and guiding our steps. They often asked, "What if …?" or "Why not …?" They gave thanks for what is and they hoped for what could be. We ask the same questions and share the same hope. Those who come after us will continue the same tradition that has been fashioned by the people of Our Lady of Hope, St. Bridget, St. John Vianney, Sacred Heart and Holy Cross.
Daily Readings - US Conference of Catholic Bishops Daily Readings:
Laudato Si Stations of the Cross
Resources for watching Mass on TV:
See this page - click HERE.
Also: https://bccatholic.ca/news/catholic-van/can-t-get-to-mass-online-and-tv-masses-available
How to make a Spiritual Communion (click on this link)
Our Albany diocese website: https://www.rcda.org/
Scripture and Prayer Resources
Daily Readings - US Conference of Catholic Bishops Daily Readings:
Biblegateway Scripture Passage Lookup: https://www.biblegateway.com/
Daily Faith Sharing with Father James Martim, SJ
On his Facebook page.
Season of Creation: Friar Peter Chepaitis, OFM Homily Sept. 1, 2019 /documents/2019/9/2019%20C%2022%20Sunday%20Homily.pdf
Resources for Catholic News
The Evangelist - our Diocesan Newspaper: http://www.evangelist.org/
Catholic News Service - https://www.catholicnews.com/
National Catholic Reporter: https://www.ncronline.org/
About the Catholic Campaign for Human Development http://www.usccb.org/about/